Our mission is to support excellent research by supporting our members in their profession as RMAs. To achieve this we will:

  • Support the recognition of the profession of research management in Europe by delivering accredited education programmes, continuing professional education opportunities and opportunities for networking and sharing in a common community of practice.
  • Provide regular training opportunities for RMAs with the aim of keeping our members current in their profession.
  • Represent the views and increase visibility of our members to policymakers and international organisations. Take the responsibility to represent the views of the RMA community to policymakers and be an acknowledged partner of other stakeholders in the field.
  • Promote and support the development of vibrant national RMA associations in Europe.
  • Exchange knowledge through a community of practice. EARMA is the widest and most diversified network of European RMAs.
  • Be a valued partner to our sister professional associations, our stakeholders and our members.
  • Take the lead on issues of importance to RMAs, particularly around implementation of relevant (international) research programmes. Be pro-active and responsive in an evolving research landscape.